Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Deer Lake Gallery - Floating Lanterns in Tofino

Expect Magic, title of a collage done lately.  And there was magic in Tofino last week end, the sun was out, the waves big and strong, the company lovely, the guest house dreamy.  On Friday night we made lanterns and went out at midnight to float them in the puddles left by the tide.

Choose which paintings to bring to Burnaby - Check.
Make sure they are all ready to hang on the walls, touch up the artist statements both English and French. Check. Check.

I am ready to pack the car and head off to the ferry.  This is an exciting day, yeah!

The Opening Reception is on Saturday May 24th 2 to 4 at Deer Lake Gallery, 6584 Deer Lake Ave in Burnaby. You are invited! I can wait to show you my new work.  See you there!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Lesson in Abundance - Fresh Paint - Tango

For weeks, the trees have been offering us an abundance of fresh blossoms of all colours. The abundance of Spring. First the wildly anticipated Forsythia blooms that come as a confirmation that Winter is over. Yes. Then, like pure enchantment,  Magnolia trees start blossoming along my street and all over the city. Yum.  Now, in early May, it's the Laburnum's scented yellow blossoms that catch my heart, I love to smell and watch its flowers hanging down in a long cluster that looks like a golden Wisteria. 

Laburnum, also called Golden Chain Tree
I have been working on this painting for a while - it has had a few incarnations, and as karma would have it, some were better than others. It's hard to tell if I missed to recognize the point  at which the painting was just about ready to be completed, and carried on looking for the story. Still, I kept at it until at last, yesterday it got completed, Finding Peace.
Finding Peace  oil and cold wax  46" x 30"

A few more collages added to the collection. Always fun.

Bleeding Compassion

Prayer Flag
Love you

In the house and studio, big bouquets of lilac and apple blossoms. Spring, so visually pleasing.

The music of the week is from Plazza Francia with Catherine Ringer (Rita Mitsuko)

Tomorrow night, Friday May 9th is the opening of the art fundraiser A Small Gesture at Iron Oxide 6-9 and Sat. 10-4. The generosity of local artists make is so that there is going to be an abundance of beautiful small art pieces at very reasonable prices. I'll keep you posted on this event.
Sunday, there is Milonga at the Irish Pub Fibber Macgee, tango music by Andrea Georgiev and Lou Gradanti. Come for the sensual live music, the dance, and of course to look at the beautiful shoes women wear to dance Tango. Have fun and Be happy!