Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Freedom in the studio - Delicious Series on July 6th

I've allowed myself unlimited time in the studio, it's fantastic, wonderful and rewarding. Thinking about the two paintings that I've been reworking over and over for months, I realized that there was a place and time where each painting was revealing itself and somehow I failed to see it and kept on enriching little spots here and there without any cohesiveness to the whole.  Fortunately, both paintings are almost finished now and they turned out quite nicely. So this time around, it is important that I pay close attention to the evolution of the painting and recognize the place where it all comes together.
The last 3 paintings have formed a triptych which I posted on Facebook and got very positive comments. Thank you everyone. The third one is not yellow at all but I can't seem to adjust it properly in photoshop.  You'll have to come and see it at the studio!
Tentative title: It's still early
 To be in the studio every day for hours makes me realize how important it is to show up and work,  this is how things happen. I've ran out of cold wax and nearly all tubes of white paint are flatten to the limit, soon running out of canvasses and boards. It is nearly time to stop anyway so the new paintings have time to dry before I open my studio on Sunday July 6th for an afternoon together called The Delicious Series.

Here are pics of some new paintings slowly coming together.
Red Ribbons

Loose Ends
Today is one of those mellow rainy days, it smells fresh outside, the greens are revived, I am watching the fig trees in the back yard taking over my view of the back alley, creating privacy in the studio.  Life is good! Enjoy your day :)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Collages Collages - Fresh Paint

I like to make collaged cards for my close ones when I have time.  There were a few birthday cards and one special graduation card that came out of a mountain of clips from magazines. I couldn't resist using the leftover cut out pieces and make a few new collages on wood blocks.


In the studio, a few paintings in the making. Almost finished, just need to look at them again and again. They are 24" x 24", oil paint and cold wax.

It's still early              
Air Mail
Ethereal Solstice

I wanted to work on these 3 paintings a bit longer today but it's already midnight and there's no chocolate in the house, plus I need to let them breathe, they are close to being finished, actually they might done. I'll find out soon, or I won't, the suspense is killing me, hope I can sleep tonight.
Enjoy the week end.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Vancouver and Iona Beach

The light was bright, the contrasts strong, the scenery familiar, it was like visiting an old friend.  We walked for hours under bridges, along beaches, through Stanley Park, along Coal Harbour and back to Yaletown. Vancouver is quite cosmopolitan, the variety of languages heard on this walk was quite impressive.  Made me want to brush up my Spanish!

Another long walk took us to Iona Beach located just behind YVR airport.  Hearing and seeing dozens of planes taking off and landing gave us all a little bout of travel fever.  There is the bird sanctuary nearby with the sweet melody of birdsongs and the aerial acrobaties of graceful swallows called Purple Martin, quite a show.

Happy trails!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Work in Progress - Library in colour - Closing Party

Art aficionados and friends came by Deer Lake Gallery on Saturday. The show runs till June 14 and I am thinking about organizing a little closing party on the last Saturday 12:00 to 4:00.

In the studio, a new painting is taking form.  It's a 60" x 36" canvas, it feels good to paint on a large surface again.

While shopping in the neighborhood of South Hill in Vancouver,  I came upon a very beautifully painted building, it is the local Library.

I have been listening to the National, the man has a beautiful mellow voice but bewildering lyrics.