Thursday, December 20, 2012

DRIFT + new projects = life goes on

DRIFT party on Friday night was a great event with live music, people every where, laughter, smiles ole! There was a festive ambiance all week end. Thanks to Mariko and her team for organizing a successful art event and bringing tons of new people to the gallery.  A really energizing time!

In the fall, I wrote proposals for three interesting projects and they all came through, yeah!
The first one is 'Journey to Inclusion' with the multicultural society.  This project explores the steps and the vision toward accepting and embracing diversity to create an inclusive society.

Five local artists are paired with five community members who are experiencing discrimination in their daily lives.  My teammate is a beautiful young Muslim mother, her presence is clear and grounded, her voice is soft, yet strong.  She wears a scarf and gets stared at, growled at and disrecpected in many ways daily.

I record her story and together we create a picture of her experience on one side of a 2' x 4' panel, the other side will be our vision of an inclusive society.

The five teams will present our work at the Port Theatre on March 21st.  The paintings will be exhibited in the lobby windows for an extended period of time.  I'll keep you posted on this project as it unfolds.  Here are some pictures of our sketchbook so far.

The other two projects will take place in February and March 2013, you will find out more in the next few weeks.  I am very happy and excited to have such creative months carved out for me in the new year.  Life is good!

Tomorrow is Solstice, my friends and I are taking our lanterns to walk the labyrinth at the Bethlehem  Center in Nanaimo for a magical evening.  All are invited to join us from 7:00 to 8:30 at the Sheppard Hall on Arbot Road.

Wishing you all simple joys and magical gatherings during the holidays.
Great Company, Good Food, Light and Love!

1 comment:

  1. Johanne, all the projects are coming to you at such a good time.
